Feeling forgetful is a sign that an individual is experiencing cognitive decline. This could be an aging effect or deficiency of important minerals derived from different food substances. To keep the brain at its peak conditions, indulging in nutritious meals can enhance concentration and boost memory. Those living at a senior assisted living community will likely see many of these foods in the meals provided by the facility in order to keep them as healthy as possible. Foods like whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and legumes are rich in protein, essential for brain development. Additionally, if you wish, consuming supplements that provide ample brain nutrition could also help give your brain functions a boost, eliminate conditions such as fatigue and brain fog, and also make you perform better in all areas of life.

Here are essential meals that we can use for memory boosting and brain sharpening.

Eat Leafy Vegetables

Memory improvement is positively associated with eating dark leafy vegetables and cruciferous greens such as cabbage and broccoli. These plants are full of antioxidants and vitamin K. Vitamins obtained from broccoli form sphingolipids fat, which covers a large part of brain cells. Also, the antioxidants present in the vegetables safeguard the brain against different damages. The antioxidants also have anti-inflammatory effects.

Cherries and Berries

Blueberries, cherries, and blackberries offer anthocyanins and flavonoids essential for boosting memory functioning. Including berries in our breakfast meals can help us reap the above health benefits. Whether the berries are dried, fresh, or frozen, they offer the same benefits. Doctors recommend berries for the treatment of oxidative stress, which causes neuro-degenerative disease and brain aging. Furthermore, antioxidants enhance brain cell communication.


For efficient functioning of the brain, it needs energy. We also need an adequate supply of energy in our blood for us to focus and concentrate on what we’re doing. But which food substances offer much-required energy? Eating whole grains regularly will lead to a gentle release of energy into our bloodstreams. This keeps our minds alert for the entire day. To avoid irritability or brain fog, we must include brown wholegrain substances such as rice, pasta, cereals, and granary bread.

Fatty Fish

Fish are rich in omega-3 and unsaturated fats essential for the lowering of beta-amyloid blood levels. These elements destroy clumps that form around an individual brain causing Alzheimer’s disease. Moreover, half of the brain comprises fats, whereas half of these fats are made up of omega-3. Therefore eating fish two times a week is recommended. However, we must choose fish that has low mercury levels. Pollack, cod, salmon, and canned tuna are among the best fish for omega-3.

What happens if I don’t take fish and need these fatty acids? Besides eating fish, doctors can issue omega-3 supplements. Also, we can choose to have other omega-3 sources that include walnuts, flax seeds, or avocados. We can improve our memories and decline brain aging by delving into omega-3 food products.

Coffee and Tea

We all rise to a cup of coffee tea each morning but rarely know that it’s a great concentration booster. Various studies have concluded that individuals with higher caffeine intake perform better when the mental function is tested. The study further said we solidify our new memories faster than individuals that don’t have caffeine in the system.

Besides the provision of caffeine, coffee gives us some antioxidants. These food substances help block the adenosine chemical that keeps us asleep; hence keeping our brain alert. Also, it boosts our moods, and the antioxidants are effective in protecting us against Alzheimer’s.


Eggs contain high contents of folic acid, vitamins B6 and B12, vital for reducing homocysteine compounds in our blood. When the compound content escalates in the body, we are at risk of cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s, or stroke. However, we’ll have enough vitamins and folic acid to fight these elements with regular egg consumption.

The egg yolk is made of choline, which works magic in bolstering the acetylcholine chemical that boosts memory. Although we may not always have chicken for egg production, we need to prepare them at least once a week to keep our brains functioning properly for a long time.


Nuts are crucial for vitamin E supply in the body. Including a few nuts in our daily breakfast can enable us to prevent and treat cognitive decline. The older adults are the most beneficiaries of nuts.

Fresh Tomatoes

It’s hard to prepare a nice meal without using tomatoes in the kitchen. Besides making the meals tastier, they are an important source of an antioxidant called lycopene. The antioxidant protects the brain cells from damages that are caused by free radicals causing dementia. Are we finding it challenging to obtain tomatoes? We can supplement the lycopene chemical through the consumption of grapefruits, papayas, or watermelons.

As we grow old, we start losing memory, and the issue could deteriorate into dementia. However, with the simple use of the above foods, we can keep our brains healthy and boost our memories.